José Carlos Orihuela
José Carlos Orihuela graduated from Columbia in 2010 (current website)
Areas of interest: political economy of development and the environment.
José Carlos studies how institutions evolve, the forging of environmental governance, and the political economy of nature and natural resources. His research has appeared at New Political Economy, Journal of Institutional Economics, Forest Policy and Economics, Studies in Comparative International Development and World Development, among other journals and edited volumes. He co-edited Resource Booms and Institutional Pathways: The Case of the Extractive Industry in Peru (Palgrave 2017) and co-authored The Developmental Challenges of Mining and Oil: Lessons from Africa and Latin America (Palgrave 2012).
Currently, he is carrying out research on the local resource curse, comparative developmental state formation in the Andean countries, and the institutions governing protected areas in the southern Peruvian Amazon.
An associate professor at the Department of Economics of PUCP, he was a lecturer at New School, a visiting professor at Brown and a fellow at The Watson Institute and SSRC-DSD.